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Other Accomplishments and Testimonies
(not on our other pages!)

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74 Ranch Braveheart Ready to Fly AX AXJ OF CGC TKI - "Wren" is a beautiful Buckles X Union Jack daughter living in Indiana. She's going to be a great agility girl!!! She's already the demo dog of her puppy class at 4 months old, she's so far ahead of the others.  Watch for great things from her in the future!
Update 5/10/23:

6 months old this week. Still an itty bitty, but she’s doing some very big girl things. Love this little stinker to pieces!!
Update: 2/25/24- Wren got her novice jumpers and standard titles at her 2nd trial, just over 1 year old.
Update 5/30/24 -Wren has EXCELLENT agility titles and points towards her MACH already! 


CH 74 Ranch A Twist Of Fate RA CD CGCA CGCU TKN - "Kismet" is a beautiful girl - Rumor and Emmy's sister.  She loves to do nosework!  She is an AKC Champion with several performance titles and more to come!  Watch for great things from her in the future!

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CPE: CATCH; UKC: BA, IA, E3K; 74 Ranch Wigglebutt Shiny Object WestView AKC: TKA, RA, CGC, BN, XA, MXJ, MXF, T2B / CPE: C-SWE/ NADAC: O-EAC, O-ECC, Silver-Ach-Chance, O-EJC, S-TG-N, S-TG-O, TN-E, O-WV-E, O-GR-O, 0-NGC NADAC AWARDS: 2020 Novice Versatility Award, 1,000 Lifetime Points Award, 2020 Novice All Around Award, 2020 Novice Superior Versatility Award, 2020 Novice Triple Superior Award, 2021 Open Versatility Award, 2022 Elite Versatility Award

Dazzle is loved by Lori Genaw in MI. He's has 69 titles thus far!  Sired by Wigglebutt Outta the Park X CH 74 Ranch Tell N It Like It Is (as of 12/23)

UKC CH AKC GCH 74 Ranch Barrel Aged N Smoked RN (Oakes) Oakes is doing great in conformation - soon he will be doing performance. He got 21 pts in 1 weekend at the Minnesota Mini American Specialty which finished his championship and got him 3/5 the way to his grand! In one weekend!!!  Be sure to watch for this boy in the future!
Oakes is loved, owned, trained and shown by Cassy Janssen!  Sired by Sagonige's Georidi X GCH 74 Ranch Tell N Stories BCAT CGC CGCA FDC RN TKN

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Sky and her owner Ron are doing great in agility.  She is a sister o Spring and Union Jack.  She has excellent agility titles and Ron is 81 years old!

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CH Quail Ridge N 74 Ranch Cruzin In BluRI OA OAJ OF DCAT SWN CGC TKN ATT.  JoJo is a son of Urban out of Malibu (co-owned by us - sired by Ridgestar Bareback Jack out of 74 Ranch Suzette of Quail Run.  He got his championship young and even got to go to Westminster in 2022!  Watch for more titles out of this boy!

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74 Ranch N Pr Mountain Monte CGC TKN is a beautiful boy sired by our Urban out of CH Quail Ridge Malibu Babe. He lives in the beautiful mountains of Colorado and enjoys them regularly. 

 74 Ranch Pursue N Perfection CGC TKN RN BCAT
We kept Lexus here after losing Echo in 2018.  She got her Puppy of Achievement then got 3 adult points but went oversize so we reitred her from conformation.  She went on to get CGC and TKN in 2021 and her Rally novice RN and fastcat BCAT titles in 2022.  She now lives with her brother in Colorado and will likely do nosework events!  We miss her terribly.

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Cinder is a beautiful pup sired by Howdy out of Ella.  She was shown by our partner home, Hilary in California.  Cinder got her championship in Dec 2021. In the first picture shown she got Winner's Bitch and an AWARD OF MERIT from Judge Pat Hastings, Dixon CA 10/30/21.  The next day she went on to get Best of Winners for 2 Five point majors.  She has her POA, CGC, TKN and BCAT.   She had one litter and since has been retired.
CH 74 Ranch If the Shoe Fits CGC TKN BCAT

Spring- 74 Ranch Majc Springtime Snowstorm OA OAJ OF SCN SIN SEN has turned out to be a beautiful girl.  #6 MASCA Conformation Dog 2017 - owned by Cindy Loftus of Colorado.  Spring is a full sibling of Union Jack and is beautiful!  Cindy has done a great job with her.  She ended up #6 in the year end conformation dog of MASCA 2017!  WOWMASC TOP SUPERDOG of the year 2017!  She has several performance titles too! Spring was placed in a partner family but never was bred.



Kyle Miles with her Lucy X Sling Shot daughter, Loyal, rocked their first Rally trial with a first place!  She got her AKC Novice Fast title by 19 months old. Loyal has a successful career in several performance events, especially Agility. She got her Master agility title around 2 years old. In November 2018 she is ranked the #1 Agility Dog Preferred for All-American Dogs.

Sasha has done fabulously for Dianne in Fast Cat and agility.  She's just 3 years old, sired by Dexter out of Chatter.  In November 2018 she is ranked #7 for Fast Cat!  Somehow we missed 74 Ranch being in front of her name but when you see Sasha Ann's Starlight - it's her!  At Sasha’s first AKC Scent trial. Containers, interior and buried. Saturday 4th over all. Sunday 1st containers (4 seconds), 1st containers (7 sec), 3rd in interior finishing FIRST over all or HIGH IN TRIAL.

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CH 74 Ranch Everythings Just Ducky CD RN NAJ THD CGCA TKI  - Ducky was sold as a performance prospect but he went on and got his MASCA Championship then Cindy took him AKC Miniature American and he got his AKC Championship.  He also is a Therapy Dog and has several other AKC titles! Ducky was 2nd in MASCUSA for Novice Obedience in 2020!.


Owned by Laury Sisk of Colorado - Dakota, a pup from past lines - Tut X Riola- has done super in Agility.  Her accomplishments include:  AKC Nov/Open Standard and Jumpers tites; AKC Excellent Regular title and DOCNA Beginner Trigility Trial.
74 Ranch Shoot N For The Cash OA OAJ NF (Cash) is also owned by Laurie Sisk!


​MACH 74 Ranch Blue MXB MJS NAP NJP XF T2B2(Skylark)  is sired by Drew and EnV's full brother, Castor out of our last toy, Rafter Bottle Hanna Marie. At three years old, he had nine AKC Agility Titles and he is still going strong -now a MACH. He lives with and is loved by Vicki in Casper Wyoming. Skylark went on to win #1 NADAC jumpers and Touch N Go 2020, as well as #2 Regular and Tunnelers!

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CH 74 Ranch Talk N Up A Storm CGC, RO-N, I-M, HCTg, HD-L2D, HD-L2S, mHIC, JHD, V-3+ (Boldheart's I'm Your Huckleberry X Gr Ch 74 Ranch Wigglebutt Echo in Time) got her championship young and is now herding and doing performance events.  She has titles in herding, rally, obedience and several HotDawg, Wowdog awards with WOWMASC. She ended up in the 2016 and 2017 MASCA Top Herding Dogs (#3)  She also got Brood Bitch and helped 74 Ranch Mini Aussies win Generations and Breeder's Showcase in Oct 2016 as well as passing her CGC test. She lives with partner family, MAJC Aussies in Cheyenne.  We kept a few SUPER nice pups out of Chatter sired by Jack Jr.

Quail Ridge Yabba Dabba Doozy (Pebbles) FDC HIT  is sired byMASCA CH 74 Ranch Casanova out of CH Quail Ridge Malibu Babe has just starting doing performance with 2 titles the first weekend! Owned and shown by Theresa LeRoy, Idaho

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MASCA Ch, Top 10 74 Ranch Casanova at Quail Run RO-I (bottom) is sired by our GR CH Ridgestar Bareback Jack at 74 Ranch out of CH Sagonige's Turn N Heads at 74 Ranch with limited showing.  He also achieved the MASCA #4 Top 10 in 2017 and ASA #8 Top 15 in 2018, all with limited showing. He won Best of Breed at ASA 2019 Nationals as well as Brace with his 1/2 brother ASA CH, AKC GCH Quail Ridge All Revved Up RO-I (cente)  is also sired by GR CH Jack but out of 74 Ranch Suzette (CH Indy X GR CH Echo) won Best of Opposite and Winner's Dog at his first 2 shows) as well as his intro Rally title. He won Best of Breed in October 2019 at an IABCA show, trading off with his full sister, our new co-own female, AKC GCH and ASA CH Quail Ridge Malibu Babe (top).

Sway - MASCA CH, ASA Top 10 74 Ranch Come N Dance With Me RO-N is a Son of Jack Jr (74 Ranch Head N To Vegas) out of our GR CH 74 Ranch Wigglebutt Echo in Time.  Sway lived with us until he was about 2 years old.  He was retired from the show ring and sent to a pet home where he spends half his time in Arizona and half in Montana.  He got his Championship easily and a Rally novice title before he left. In his short show career he ended up getting #8 out of the ASA Top 10 Conformation Program.

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Sling Shot # 5 MASCA Mini Aussie 2015 and # 3 in 2017- GR CH Top 10 74 Ranch Shoot N For the Stars CGC, RO-N, I-M, V-2  Sling Shot is a beautiful son of our little Champion EnV, sired by an awesome MASCA Champion, Lookout I'm Naughty All Night! He lived with a partner family in Yoder, WY but then moved to Iowa with Jeff and Jessica Peak of Crystal Hill Mini Aussies to help them start their breeding program. He loves people and is very playful and smart!  He has his MASCA championship and several titles in performance events as well as his CGC and V2. He got his Grand Championship being handled by Rachel Hyer of Sagonige Kennels in SD and was announced #5 MASCA Conformation Dog 2015 then #3 in 2017. 

MASCA CH 74 Ranch Hanker N for a Wigglebutt - We bred a standard female we had 74 Ranch Dejablue to Wigglebutt Eddie and got Hank. Talk about great looks and personality.  He got his MASCA championship in one day at 6 months old.  Hank lived in a partner family locally who has had several of our dogs. He was killed in an accident and never sired a litter.  Was owned by Scott in Wyoming

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Grace is a therapy dog living with Keith and Wendy in Tennessee!  She's a daughter of Indy and Callie (Cooper X Hanna).

"Grace is doing so well.  She is such a joy to have around.  Everyone loves her and she is so expressive and bright.   I’ll get you pictures of her in her work clothes for her “service dog” poster!!!  She is a gem!!

Wendy, Tennessee

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Cooper-MASCA CH 74 Ranch Wigglebutt Black Label CGC, mHIC, N-O, RO-A, V3 is a full brother of our GR CH Echo. Cooper starting winning right off the bat - with 4 best puppy in show out of 5 shows at 8 weeks old. He went on to win several Best of Opposite Sex Puppy, Winner's Dogs, Best of Winners, Best of Opposites, and 1st in an Obedience trial. He is a MASCA Champion and IABCA Champion. He produced the winner of the Most Versatile Aussie and 2nd place Extreme Aussie Games in the 2015 MASCA Nationals, Sagonige's Colorado Wild Child (the mom is a full sister of our EnV). Nora also was the #4 MASCA Herding Dog 2015 and earned a V-2 award.
Cooper got his CGC and Novice Obedience Title and High In Trial then titled in Advanced Rally. He passed his herding instinct test and got a MASCA V3 award.  Then he got the #1 WOWMASC Performance Dog in 2017 with his owner and our partner Kristy Allison. His advanced Rally title is what finished our Hall of Fame Breeder!

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Savvy - MASCA CH 74 Ranch Savannah Spice CGC, RO-A, V-1 is sired by CH RKC's Sagonige's GoN Full Throttle  (Indy) and out of our Gr CH 74 Ranch Wigglebutt Echo In Time  Savvy is a beautiful, fun little (small) girl doing great in the performance world and a MASCA and IABCA Champion. She has super high frisbee drive like her mom! She loves the show ring and has a super personality! She won the 2016 WOWMASC SuperDog award, HotDawg and WOWDOG awards! She achieved her novice disc dog title and Advanced Rally titles in early 2019-  good job Karla and Savvy! She resides in Wyoming with her human parents, our partners, Scott and Karla.

Ch MAJC Who's Ur Buddy - Buddy is sired by a Union Jack X Lucy son out of Chatter.  He loves everyone and knows NO strangers!  Bred by Carrie Pritchard and us!

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74 Ranch Follow N Hashtags CGC TKN - Tag has gotten his CGC and will be doing agility and other events in the future! We will watch for more on him!  Tag is sired by Jett out of Emmy!

74 Ranch Orion's Belt N The Night Sky CGC TKN - Orion got his CGC and TKN at a young age. He's sired by Union Jack out of Buckles

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74 Ranch Sting N Like A Bee PT - Queenie is working on herding titles.  She is sired by Wink out of Candor (CH 74 Ranch Tell N It Like It Is)

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 Tom and Michele Herbst
74 Ranch

 Miniature Americans Mini Aussies

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